Mechanisms of phosphate transport Nature Reviews
2019.6.5 Since the identification of the major renal inorganic phosphate (P i) transporter, encoded by SLC34A1, in 1993, advances in molecular and cell biology and biophysical and microscopy techniques...
consulter en ligneMechanisms of phosphate transport - PubMed
Over the past 25 years, successive cloning of SLC34A1, SLC34A2 and SLC34A3, which encode the sodium-dependent inorganic phosphate (P i) cotransport proteins 2a-2c, has
consulter en lignePstS和PstB调控无机磷酸盐转运和介导细菌耐药的机制
2019.8.3 在细菌中,主要由磷酸盐特殊转运系统(phosphate specific transport,Pst)和磷酸盐转运系统(Pi transport,Pit)来完成对无机磷酸盐(inorganic phosphates,Pi)的吸
consulter en ligneA reverse-selective ion exchange membrane for the selective transport ...
2022.9.26 A reverse-selective ion exchange membrane for the selective transport of phosphates via an outer-sphere complexation–diffusion pathway Arpita Iddya, Piotr
consulter en lignePhosphate Transport - an overview ScienceDirect Topics
Phosphate transport across the intestinal wall occurs through both the transepithelial and the paracellular routes (Fig. 10.13 ). Absorption is a linear, nonsaturable function of
consulter en ligneThe rice phosphate transporter OsPHT1;7 plays a dual role in
2022.3.28 Phosphorus. Inorganic phosphate (Pi) is the predominant form of phosphorus (P) readily accessible to plants, and Pi Transporter 1 (PHT1) genes are the
consulter en lignePhosphate transporters and their function - PubMed
The transport mechanism of the two kidney-specific SLC34 proteins (NaPi-IIa and NaPi-IIc) and of the ubiquitously expressed SLC20 protein (PiT-2) has been studied by
consulter en ligneMechanisms of phosphate transport - Nature
2019.6.5 Mechanisms of phosphate transport Since the identification of the major renal inorganic phosphate (P i ) transporter, encoded by SLC34A1,in 1993, advances in
consulter en ligneStructure of the sodium-dependent phosphate
2020.8.7 We reveal that one phosphate and two sodium ions (Pi-2Na) are located at the core of TmPiT and that the third sodium ion (Na fore) is located near the inner membrane boundary. We propose an elevator
consulter en ligneMolecular Mechanisms of Phosphate Sensing, Transport and
2021.1.23 Bacteria transport inorganic phosphate by the high affinity phosphate transport system PstSCAB, and the low affinity PitH transporters. The PstSCAB system
consulter en lignePhosphate acquisition SpringerLink
2004.5.3 Phosphate (Pi) is considered to be one of the least available plant nutrients in the soil. High-affinity Pi transporters are generally accepted as entry points for Pi in the roots. The physiological, genetic, molecular and biochemical analysis of phosphate starvation response mechanisms highlight the ability of plants to adapt and thrive under ...
consulter en lignePhosphate Pools, Phosphate Transport, and Phosphate
2019.4.30 Phosphate Pools, Phosphate Transport, and Phosphate Availability. Annual Review of Plant Physiology Vol. 24:225-252 (Volume publication date June ... Long-term rainfall records from Sector Santa Rosa, Area de Conservación Guanacaste, Costa Rica (purple bars). Data from Reference 23. Interannual var...
consulter en ligneTransport de phosphate et lithiase rénale – Académie nationale de ...
2005.2.15 D’une part, la découverte de nouveaux facteurs circulants qui modulent le transport de phosphate ; l’un d’eux, membre de la famille des facteurs de croissance fibroblastiques (FGF), le FGF23, est doué d’un puissant effet phosphaturique et son implication dans de nouvelles voies régulatrices commence à être déterminée.
consulter en ligneTwo broadly conserved families of polyprenyl-phosphate
2022.11.30 The identity of the flippase that catalyses transport has remained unknown. Here, using the antibiotic amphomycin that targets UndP 5, 6, 7, we identified two broadly conserved protein families ...
consulter en ligne科学网—《细胞》:李佳学/李晓淳等揭示磷酸鞘氨醇的转运 ...
2023.5.24 磷酸鞘氨醇(sphingosine-1-phosphate,S1P)是一种重要的溶血脂类信号分子,在淋巴细胞迁出中扮演着关键作用。. 然而,S1P信号异常升高时会引起外周淋巴细胞过度活跃,导致自身免疫疾病,例如多发性硬化症(Multiple Sclerosis,MS)。. S1P分子在细胞内合成,但必须 ...
consulter en ligneFrontiers Nitrogen and Phosphorus Signaling and Transport During ...
2021.6.22 Phosphate acquisition and transport are the key processes for efficient symbiotic N fixation in legumes (Nussaume et al., 2011; Gu et al., 2015; Sulieman and Tran, 2015). In a soybean, GmPT5, a high-affinity Pi transporter has been shown to transport Pi from roots to nodules, especially under conditions of limited P (Qin et al., 2012).
consulter en ligneTissue specific transcript profiling of wheat phosphate
2016.12.20 Pi transport from the rhizosphere to the different plant tissues, primarily involves multiple phosphate transporters (PHTs) belonging to either PHT1, PHT2, PHT3 or PHT4 sub-families 7,8,9,10,11.
consulter en ligneCa2+ efflux facilitated by co-transport of inorganic phosphate
2023.5.29 Bacterial CAX antiporter homolog YfkE can transport Ca2+ and inorganic phosphate (Pi) together in a 1:1 ratio, exchanging them for H+ and becoming a high-flux antiporter when coupled with Pi.
consulter en ligneMechanisms of phosphate transport - Nature
2019.6.5 The ; how-.. In .)) and .). ). .. . . , , and
consulter en ligneSubstrate specificity of plastid phosphate transporters in a
2020.1.24 As shown in Table 1, transport activity of G6-P was only 1.5–9.1% of the phosphate-phosphate counter exchange activity for all the three TPTs investigated. When considering the 2.9–10.4% ...
consulter en lignePhosphate signaling through alternate conformations of the
2018.1.19 Phosphate is an essential compound for life. Escherichia coli employs a signal transduction pathway that controls the expression of genes that are required for the high-affinity acquisition of phosphate and the utilization of alternate sources of phosphorous. These genes are only expressed when environmental phosphate is limiting. The seven
consulter en ligneRéalisation de carte paléogéographique d’une
III – Dynamique et conditions de transport des sédiments 1 – Relation entre la vitesse du courant et le diamètre des particules a – Diagramme de Hjulstrom. ... Bassin de phosphate au Maroc 1 – Le phosphate au
consulter en lignePhosphate Acquisition Plant and Soil - Springer
Phosphate (Pi) is considered to be one of the least available plant nutrients in the soil. High-affinity Pi transporters are generally accepted as entry points for Pi in the roots. The physiological, genetic, molecular and biochemical analysis of phosphate starvation response mechanisms highlight the ability of plants to adapt and thrive under phosphate limiting
consulter en ligneFabrique de savoirs - Zoom sur la gestion de l’absorption du phosphate ...
2024.1.24 Celle-ci chaperonne les PHT1s en les conduisant jusqu'à la membrane cellulaire où l'absorption du phosphate a lieu. La capacité d'absorption plonge ici à 5 % de celle de la plante sauvage. Dans tous ces cas, les biologistes ont déterminé les capacités d'import et de transfert du phosphate, en démontrant une grande capacité d'ajustement ...
consulter en ligneA putative high affinity phosphate transporter, CmPT1, enhances ...
2014.1.10 Background Inorganic phosphate (Pi) is essential for plant growth, and phosphorus deficiency is a main limiting factor in plant development. Its acquisition is largely mediated by Pht1 transporters, a family of plasma membrane-located proteins. Chrysanthemum is one of the most important ornamental plants, its productivity is usually
consulter en ligneMécanismes de tri et voies de transport intracellulaire
2024.1.15 Sorbonne Université École doctorale Complexité du Vivant (ED515) ME ANISMES DE TRI ET VOIES DE TRANSPORT INTRA ELLULAIRE DES PROTEINES DE LA MEM RANE DU LYSOSOME Thèse de doctorat en Sciences Par Jason Ecard Dirigée par Gaëlle Boncompain et Franck Perez Laboratoire Dynamique de l’Organisation
consulter en ligneCrystal structure of a eukaryotic phosphate transporter
2013.3.31 Luecke, H. Quiocho, F. A. High specificity of a phosphate transport protein determined by hydrogen bonds. Nature 347, 402–406 (1990) ... María de la Luz Mora; Planta (2020)
consulter en ligneA reverse-selective ion exchange membrane for the selective transport ...
2022.9.26 Since the pK a 1 value of phosphate is 2.1, as the pH approaches this level, fewer phosphate molecules complexed with the HMO nanoparticles are ionized (H 2 PO 4 versus H 3 PO 4), making them less ...
consulter en lignePlant Cell Physiol 本冈山大学马建锋团队发现磷分配到 ...
2020.6.3 Plant Cell Physiol 本冈山大学马建锋团队发现磷分配到水稻种子中的转运蛋白. 磷是作物生长的必需大量元素。. 谷类作物中约60-85%的磷最终会分配到种子中,为种子发育、发芽和早期生长所需。. 另外,由于种子中大部分的磷以植酸形态存在,若种子中磷
consulter en ligneFull article: Phosphate deficiency signaling pathway is a
2013.8.7 These results suggest that OsPT1 mediates As(V) transport from roots to shoots in rice plants. We also measured As contents in rice seedlings grown under the condition that prevents iron plaque formation on the root surface (Fig. 4D). Iron plaque coats rice root surface and sequesters As, thus affecting the arsenate transport activity (Chen
consulter en ligneNAD+ metabolism: pathophysiologic mechanisms and
2020.10.7 De novo pathway. Mammalian cells can ... cytoplasm could be transferred across the mitochondrial membrane through the NADH shuttle systems. 66,82 The glycerol-3-phosphate (G-3-P) ...
consulter en lignePhosphate transport and signaling in Arabidopsis - CORDIS
2015.2.12 Le projet PHOSTASIA («Phosphate transport and signaling in Arabidopsis»), financé par l'UE, cherchait à étudier le rôle de PHO1, une protéine de signalisation et transportrice de phosphates dans la plante modèle, Arabidopsis thaliana. Le projet a commencé par déterminer la structure de PHO1 pour la première fois.
consulter en ligneInsights of intracellular/intercellular phosphate transport and ...
2021.9.5 Schematic summary of core elements involved in phosphate transport and signaling in unicellular green algae and multicellular land plants. (a) In unicellular green algae, taking Chlamydomonas as an example, phosphorus is stored in vacuole as polyphosphate (polyP). SPX-VTCs (containing both SPX and VTC domain, SPX named
consulter en ligneStructural basis of Sphingosine-1-phosphate transport via
2023.12.20 Fig. 1: Structural basis of S1P transport via human SPNS2. a Overall structures of SPNS2 in apo, S1P-bound, FTY720-P-bound and 16d-bound states. Left panel, orthogonal views of the cryo-EM density ...
consulter en ligneThe mechanism of proton conduction in phosphoric acid
2012.4.22 Proton transport in phosphate-based systems is important in biology and clean energy technologies, and phosphoric acid, being the best known intrinsic proton conductor, represents an important ...
consulter en ligneResponse to Phosphate Starvation and Osmotic Homeostasis
2021.4.21 Pst system (Transport phosphate during phosphate starvation) Pst system is a typical ABC transporter having different components as periplasmic substrate binding protein (PstS), two transmembrane integral proteins (PstA and PstC) and a nucleotide binding protein (PstB), the permease. ... However, in E. coli glycine-betaine de novo
consulter en lignePNAS PHR1家族转录因子调控低磷响应的表观遗传机制 - 知乎
2021.8.18 过去的大量研究已鉴定了多个介导PSR的关键组分,其中转录因子 PHR1 (PHOSPHATE STARVATION RESPONSE1)作为主调节因子在PSR基因的转录调控中发挥重要功能。. PHR1是MYB结构域转录因子的一个亚家族成员,并且PHR1与该亚族的PHL1、PHL2转录因子功能部分冗余。. 研究表明 ...
consulter en ligneComplex Regulation of Plant Phosphate Transporters
2017.9.2 encoding proteins with phosphate (Pi) transport activities have been identified and functionally character-ized in diverse plant species. Great progress has been made also in deciphering the molecular mechanism underlying the regulation of the abundance and/or activity of these genes and their products. The regula-
consulter en lignePstS和PstB调控无机磷酸盐转运和介导细菌耐药的机制
2019.8.3 磷的吸收和利用在生物体遗传、能量代谢、细胞膜的完整性和细胞内信号传递等生物过程中发挥着重要的作用。在长期的进化过程中,生物体形成了复杂的磷酸盐系统来调控磷元素的代谢和平衡 [1-2]。在细菌中,主要由磷酸盐特殊转运系统(phosphate specific transport,Pst)和磷酸盐转运系统(Pi transport,Pit ...
consulter en ligneNew insights into transport capability of sugars and its
2020.1.4 The fast-growing capability of Escherichia coli strains used to produce industrially relevant metabolites relies on their capability to transport efficiently glucose or potential industrial feedstocks such as sucrose or xylose as carbon sources. E. coli imports extracellular glucose into the periplasmic space across the outer membrane porins:
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