A comprehensive overview of hybrid construction
2016.3.4 The paper first analyzed the difference between the hybrid powered automobile and HCM. The hybrid power system applications
consulter en ligneDeep learning technology for construction machinery and
2023.6.1 Construction machinery and robots are widely used in major infrastructures such as water conservancy, transportation, national defense, and energy industries [1,
consulter en ligne中国工程机械学报 Chinese Journal of Construction Machinery ...
中国工程机械学报 期刊订阅 Chinese Journal of Construction Machinery 중국공정기계학보. CSTPCD (2022) 北大核心 (2020) 主办单位: 中国工程机械学会. 主编: 郑惠强. 出版周
consulter en ligneReview of hybrid electric systems for construction machinery
2018.8.1 Construction machinery has been widely used in earthwork construction, concrete pouring, paving and heavy lifting. Common types of construction machinery are
consulter en ligneEnergy-saving technologies for construction machinery: a ...
2020.5.19 Particularly, we discuss the structures of hydraulic systems in different categories of construction machinery, various control methods of the electro-hydraulic
consulter en ligneEnergy Management Strategies for Hybrid
2019.5.27 In the field of construction machinery, hybrid power technology is considered an important candidate to address the issues of high energy consumption and high emission. According to the
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2021.2.21 Where the application and literature are lacking, however, is construction. This paper focuses on construction machinery operation and work tracking through CPS.
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2020.6.25 The study quantifies potential environmental impacts associated with construction machinery over the entire lifecycle, from extraction of materials to the end-of
consulter en ligneSpecial Issue "New Progress in Construction Machinery and
2022.12.31 Special Issue "New Progress in Construction Machinery and Vehicle Engineering II". A special issue of Applied Sciences (ISSN 2076-3417). This special
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2021.1.14 with Construction Machinery, Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, DOI: 10.1080/13467581.2020.1869557 To link to this article: doi.or g/10.1080/13467581.2020.1869557
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Construction Materials is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on construction materials published quarterly online by MDPI.. Open Access — free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by
consulter en ligneDeep learning technology for construction machinery and
2023.6.1 The number of deep learning based studies for construction machinery is associated with the countries/regions. Table 1 summarizes the five high-frequency countries/regions to which references in this review belong, which contributed more than 90% of relevant research. Countries that frequently cooperate with the USA in related
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Here are 15 Best Construction Equipment Magazines you should follow in 2024. 1. Equipment World. Equipment World magazine covers the construction equipment and heavy-duty construction machinery industries. equipmentworld. 13.5K 7 posts / week Get Email Contact. 2. Compact Equipment Magazine. Brecksville, Ohio, US.
consulter en ligne中国工程机械学报 Chinese Journal of Construction Machinery ...
中国工程机械学报 期刊订阅 Chinese Journal of Construction Machinery 중국공정기계학보. CSTPCD (2022) 北大核心 (2020) 主办单位: 中国工程机械学会. 主编: 郑惠强. 出版周期: 双.刊. 语种: 中文. 国际刊号: 1672-5581. 国内刊号: 31-1926/TH. 影响因子: 1.15.
consulter en ligne(PDF) Review of Construction Equipment Management System at ...
2020.8.1 Kevin Aku Okorocha, "Factors Affecting Effective Materials Management in Building Construction Projectsa Case Study of Selected Building Sites, in Imo state, Nigeria", International Journal of ...
consulter en ligneJournal of Construction Engineering and Management
2024.1.24 The Journal of Construction Engineering and Management publishes quality papers that aim to advance the science of construction engineering, harmonize construction practices with design theories, and further education and research in construction engineering and management. Topics include, but are not limited to, the
consulter en ligne(PDF) A critical analysis of supply chain issues in construction heavy ...
2016.3.2 International Journal of Construction Management 11. Downloaded by [] at 18:51 08 March 2016 . Conclusions. ... Construction equipment in Indonesia: a market appraisal. Jakarta ...
consulter en ligneA Review of Monitoring Construction Equipment in Support
2022.1.19 Progress monitoring is an important aspect of construction project control that is fundamental to proper project management and decision-making. Traditional monitoring methods are inaccurate, time-consuming, and labor-intensive because they rely on large-scale manual operations. The defect of the method has been identified as one
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Vat No. IT 02905201204 GDPR regulation HeavyQuip Magazine is a digital magazine hosted in Italy [EU] on a provider [ISP] authorized from the Ministry of Economic Development according to D.L. 259 of August, 1st 2003 Magazine authorized by operation of. Digital magazine related to the international Construction, Mining, Earthmoving and
consulter en ligneDemand forecasting application with regression and artificial ...
2021.2.19 The inputs of the model are designed according to construction machinery sector. In the model, monthly impact rate enables us to create more robust model. ... W. A. (2016). Heavy equipment demand prediction with support vector machine regression towards a strategic equipment management. International Journal of Structural and Civil
consulter en ligneA Thematic Review of Main Researches on Construction Equipment Over
2016.1.1 Criteria for the selection of sustainable onsite construction equipment. International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment, 3, 96–110. [78] Ahn, C., Lee, S., and Peña-Mora, F. (2013). Accelerometer-Based Measurement of Construction Equipment Operating Efficiency for Monitoring Environmental Performance. Journal of Computing in ...
consulter en ligneAutomatic Walking Method of Construction Machinery
2022.4.25 Construction machinery is a basic and strategic industry for the development of the national economy. It has been widely used in industrial construction, and it also plays an irreplaceable role in earthquake-, debris flow-, and other disaster relief work simultaneously [].Traditional construction machinery is driven by an internal combustion
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2017.8.14 Construction project productivity can be enhanced by the implementation of good management practices. The purposes of this research are to identify construction equipment management practices that have the potential to improve productivity in multistory building projects, develop a tool for measuring such practices, and on that
consulter en ligneReview of hybrid electric systems for construction machinery
2018.8.1 Construction machinery and typical vehicles have large differences in structure, load, weight range, transmission and energy consumption, etc. Table 1 shows the differences between construction machinery and vehicles. The main differences can be described as follows: ... Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 49 (20) (2013), p. 123,
consulter en ligneAutomation in Construction Journal ScienceDirect by
Design Engineering — Construction Technology — Maintenance Management Automation in Construction is an international journal for the publication of original research papers. The journal publishes refereed material on all aspects pertaining to the use of Information Technologies in Design, Engineering, Construction Technologies, and
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5. Specialized machinery and equipment used in building construction (e.g., machinery for roadworks and pipe-laying) 6. Equipment for installation, finishing work, and maintenance. 7. General-use machinery and equipment used in construction processes. The above classes are divided into subclasses and then into types.
consulter en ligne(PDF) The effect of heavy equipment management on the
2019.10.30 building construction in South Korea KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 15 1319–28. ... effective construction equipment management contributes to the success of a project and benefits the ...
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Fanwei Meng and Yongbiao Hu, “Power Matching and Control on Series Electric Transmission for Construction Machinery”, Journal of Construction Machinery, vol. 13, pp. 139-144, 2015 2013
consulter en ligneReview: Development of electric construction machinery
2021.1.5 2.1 Characteristics of pure electric construction machinery (PECM) The internal combustion engine (ICE) is re-placed by an electric motor in PEDS, which makes the operation of PECM very smooth, with less noise and vibration compared with traditional-fuel construction machinery (TFCM) (Lin et al., 2020).
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2023.10.1 News Event. XCMG is a top heavy machinery manufacturer in China. XCMG has the most complete construction equipment for sale such as excavators, loaders, road machinery, mining machinery, etc. It ranks 4th among global construction manufacturers including Caterpillar, Sany, Volvo, Komatsu, Hitachi and Liebherr.
consulter en ligneImplementation of technologies in the construction industry:
Goodrum, P.M. and Haas, C.T. (2004), “ Long-term impact of equipment technology on labor productivity in the US construction industry at the activity level ”, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 130 No. 1, pp. 124-133.
consulter en ligneAssessment of Emissions and Energy Consumption for Construction ...
2022.4.28 Earthwork, an essential activity in most construction projects, consumes large quantities of fossil fuel and produces substantial air pollution with adverse environmental impacts. To achieve more sustainable construction processes, novel methodologies to evaluate and improve the performance of earthwork operations are
consulter en ligneEnergy Management Strategies for Hybrid Construction Machinery ...
2019.5.27 Hybrid Construction Machinery (HCM), known as an effective and crucial solution for the issues of environment pollution and energy shortage, has aroused increasing attention from manufacturers and researchers. A suitable energy management strategy is the vital technology to determine the energy saving and emission reduction performance
consulter en ligne(PDF) A Thematic Review of Main Researches on Construction Equipment ...
2016.12.31 Field studi es in construction equipment economics and produ ctivity. Journal of Construction Engineeri ng and Manag ement ... Most construction equipment requires more energy to operate than ...
consulter en ligneHistory of Construction Equipment Journal of Construction
2011.9.15 This paper gives a brief technical and institutional history of how construction equipment developed, primarily during the twentieth century. It identifies the major machine forms and describes their origins and development. It also identifies the major market forces for equipment advancement and the key organizations involved.
consulter en ligneReview on Energy Conservation of Construction Machinery
2023.1.24 The excessive consumption of fossil fuel, energy shortage and global warming along with environmental deterioration have increasingly become a global issue. In order to deal with the energy crisis, energy conservation has been developed and applied in vehicles and construction machineries, i.e., excavators, loaders and forklifts. Due to the
2023.9.27 46 Journal of Applied Engineering Science 10(2012)1 Due to the simplicity of calculations, this method is the most common method used in the calcula-tion of expenses of construction machine’s work
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