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2022.7.6 HAZEMAG Secondary Impactors are available in a capacity range of 5 – 1200 ton/hour, depending . on the machine selection. These machines offer an excellent solution for the reduction of feeds . materials up to 14 inch in size. APK-1010. APKM-0806 APKH-1010. HAZEMAG APKM — Secondary . Impact Crusher, fitted with its third
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HAZEMAG redefines secondary crushing technology. The new HAZEMAG concept combines the knowledge gained from over 70 years of crusher design and manufacture, with the practical experience and operational needs of plant operators. The HSI series of secondary impactors have been designed for economic crushing and, depending on how
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Das HAZEMAG Kundenservice-Erlebnis und die damit verbundenen Vorteile: Dynamische Überwachung, um Komponentenwechsel präzise zu planen. Umfassende Bestandsanalyse und Bestandsaufnahme basierend auf betrieblichen Anforderungen. Verfügbarkeit von Servicepersonal und Ersatzteilen, die für jeden Stillstand benötigt werden.
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HAZEMAG recognises that supplying the diverse raw materials industry with world-class products is only the start of the story. The sustained success achieved by HAZEMAG over the years has been its ability to support the company’s technological and engineering expertise with an aftermarket service that prioritises its customers’ unique requirements.
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