Safety of engineered structures against blast vibrations: A
2016.4.1 Blasting is used as an economical tool for rock excavation in construction, quarry and mining projects. However, a part of the explosive energy is always exhibited
consulter en ligneQuarry Slope Stability Assessment Methods with Blast
2023.3.14 Gabriel AA (2021) Assessment of rock slope stability using engineering rock mass classification in selected quarries south-western Nigeria (Doctoral dissertation,
consulter en ligneQuarry blast evaluation system for rock fragmentation
Blasting produces energy to fragment the rock mass in mining, quarry and civil engineering projects. In mining and quarrying operation, blasting aims to extract the largest possible
consulter en ligneEvaluation of blast efficiency in aggregate quarries: facts and ...
2021.3.13 1 Citation Explore all metrics Abstract Evaluation of blast efficiency in quarrying of aggregate stones is one of the most important decisions that should be
consulter en ligne杨军-深部岩土力学与地下工程国家重点实验室 -
2023.10.23 2020.09-至今,中国矿业大学(北京),教授、博士生导师 2018.11-2019.11,美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室,访问学者 2015.06-2020.09,中国矿业大学(
consulter en ligne岩石爆破基础理论与技术研究进展 - USTB
文章亮点. (1) 建立了动态光弹性-数字图像相关综合实验系统,提出了爆炸荷载下应力场全场主应力计算方法。. (2) 研究了爆炸应力波与裂纹的相互作用机理,发现爆炸膨胀波对相向扩展爆炸裂纹有抑制作用,剪切波对相向
consulter en ligne(PDF) Quarry Evaluation and Control of Bench
2017.10.30 In hard rock mining, blasting is the most productive excavation technique applied to fragment in-situ rock to the required size for efficient loading and crushing.
consulter en ligneBlasting Mechanics Revisited: The mechanics of
2019.1.28 In part one of PQ’s new four-part “Mechanics of Blasting” series, Ash’s “Mechanics of Rock Breakage” is revisited with an emphasis on the practical aspects of breakage and how they are relevant to quarry
consulter en ligneAn assessment of environmental impacts of quarry-blasting
2005.6.10 33 Citations Explore all metrics Abstract This study evaluates the impacts resulting from quarry-blasting operation on nearby buildings and structures as it
consulter en lignePrediction of blast‑induced ground vibrations in quarry sites:
2019.4.1 The present study aims to compare the performance of two machine learning techniques that can unveil the relationship between the input and target
consulter en ligneSafety of engineered structures against blast vibrations: A
2016.4.1 To date, he has published 25 research papers in different journals, national and international conferences. Dr. Tripathy is a co-author of a Technical Memorandum entitled “Controlled Blasting for Rock Excavation in Civil Engineering Applications”. He is a life member of Indian Society of Rock Mechanics and Tunneling Technology (ISRMTT),
consulter en ligneEstimation of Damage Induced by Single-Hole
2020.12.23 This paper presents a review of the existing models for the estimation of explosion-induced crushed and cracked zones. The control of these zones is of utmost importance in the rock explosion design,
consulter en ligneOptimization of Drilling and Blasting by Empirical
2021.10.1 The primary purpose of blasting is to fragment rock, and there are significant rewards for delivering a fragmentation size range that is not only well suited to the mining system it feeds, but also minimizes
consulter en ligneKinetic energy and its applications in mining engineering
2017.3.1 In rock blasting the same phenomenon was also found, as shown in Fig. 5. The pictures in Fig. 5 came from a video filmed during a blast. The time after initiation increases from picture (a) to picture (n) with an unequal interval time between two neighbouring pictures. The dashed circles show the positions of a specific fragment at
consulter en ligneDynamic response of rock mass subjected to blasting
2022.3.1 The blasting disturbance can damage the surrounding rock mass and then induce failures for underground rock engineering. Understanding the dynamic responses of the rock mass subjected to blasting disturbance is of great significance to maintain the stability and safety of underground rock engineering. This paper aims to reveal the
consulter en ligneBlasting vibration limits for quarries and civil ... - Home - Quarry
2020.3.19 A human comfort limit of 25mm/s for non-sensitive receivers, such as industrial or commercial premises. The standard (AS2187.2 Appendix J) then goes on to suggest that if cordial relations can be maintained with a neighbour, higher vibration limits may be negotiated and tolerated.
consulter en ligneAn alternative approach to predict human response to blast
2021.1.11 The aim of this study is to create alternative approaches to predict human response to ground vibration. Site measurements were conducted in an urban quarry. The multiple discriminant analysis technique was used to develop classification models. The measured ground vibration values were grouped based on the limit values appearing in
consulter en ligneEvaluation of ground vibration effect of blasting operations
2009.4.1 Introduction. Drilling and blasting are the most widely adopted excavation techniques for mining and civil engineering. Rock blasting results in ground shock and vibration which may cause damage to the surrounding structures such as buildings, bridges, dams, tunnels, etc., therefore, blast-induced ground shocks and their propagation in rock
consulter en ligneQuarry drill and blast: a vital first operation - Aggregates
2014.11.18 Drilling and blasting is one of the first operations to be carried out in a quarry to gain the material for further processing. The vital process often starts with a detailed survey of the quarry face, which will enable the explosives engineer to design the blast and to plot where the shot holes should be drilled, enabling the task to be carried
consulter en ligneAssessment of the ground vibration during blasting in
2023.10.30 Rock blasting is one of the most common and cost-efficient rock excavation techniques in mining and civil engineering projects 3,4.Rock blasting is a prominent mining technique for metal and non ...
consulter en ligne(PDF) Simulation of Blasting Induced Ground Vibration by
2012.1.1 Bhandari, S. (1997) Engineering Rock Blas ting Operations. Netherlands: A.A. Balkema ... used an ANN with 8-15-15-1 architecture to predict the flyrock induced by the boulder blasting in a quarry ...
consulter en ligneBlast Hole Pressure Measurement and a Full-Scale
2022.8.29 Department of Geotechnical Engineering Research, Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology, 283 Goyang-daero, Ilsanseo-gu, Goyang-si 10223, Korea ... Chanhwi Shin, Youngjun Jeong,
consulter en ligneAdvanced Analytics for Drilling and Blasting SpringerLink
2022.2.23 In rock blasting in mines, achieving desired fragmentation is the main objective of blasting. Therefore, a small portion of the explosive energy is used to fragment rock mass, and a considerable part of the energy is consumed for flyrock, airblast, ground vibration, fragmented rock movement, and heat. ... Bhandari, S. 1997. Engineering rock ...
consulter en ligneBlast Vibration and Fragmentation Control at Heavily Jointed
2021.2.9 The blast hole of the ‘A’ quarry top bench was loaded with 112.5 kg of explosives and executed with a Nonel initiation system whereas at ‘D’ Cutting east bench, it was 87.5 kg and an Electronic Delay detonator was used for detonation. ... (1994) Rock blasting and explosives engineering. CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp 259–264. Google ...
consulter en ligneControlled blasting in a limestone mine using electronic
2017.1.25 Except for very deep-seated deposits, open cast mining method has been recognized as the safest and most productive mode for mining minerals. Ever growing demand in minerals and coal has compelled the mine operators to increase the size of mine, which has resulted in an increasing trend towards large capacity open cast projects.
consulter en ligneCalculation of blast hole charge amount based on three
2022.1.11 The entire quarry in question was classified into three types of rock mass, and an optimum blasting pattern was proposed for each type based on the 3-D spatial distribution of the rock factor ...
consulter en lignePredicting the peak particle velocity from rock blasting
2022.2.3 Measuring the blast-induced ground vibration at blasting sites is very important, to plan and avoid adverse effects of blasting in terms of the peak particle velocity (PPV). However, the measurement of PPV often requires time, cost, and logistic commitment, which may not be economical for small-scale mining operations. This has
consulter en ligneAn Investigation to Assess the Cause of Accident due to
2020.4.24 The paper deals with the investigation carried out to find out the possible reason of the flyrock incident causing fatality of one person at Bhurkunda ‘Á’ Colliery of Central Coalfields Limited (CCL). The flying fragment travelled up to 280 m from the blasting source causing the accidental death. The blasts were conducted in overburden rock
consulter en ligne(PDF) Exploring Rock by Blasting with Gunpowder as
2018.11.14 • Aggregate production from quarry operation was discussed • Quarry dust as a waste product of rock blasting and quarrying was discussed ABSTRACT Aggregate production and its solid waste ...
consulter en lignePrediction and optimization of flyrock and oversize boulder
2022.7.1 In blasting operations, a huge amount of energy is normally wasted to generate some unwanted issues in the surrounding zones, e.g., flyrock and oversize boulders. In this study, to solve these environmental issues of blasting, two phases of prediction and optimization were considered and applied. In the phase of prediction, the
consulter en ligneApplied Sciences Free Full-Text Influence of
2021.2.12 Among many factors that influence an excavator’s performance and productivity, the volume of the bucket load and duration of the excavator working cycle are crucial. In this paper, both factors were
consulter en ligneRock fragmentation by blasting - a review Semantic Scholar
Rock fragmentation by blasting - a review. M. Roy, P. Singh. Published 1 September 2016. Engineering, Geology. The rock fragmentation process in mining currently being practiced in India needs re-examination to improve the productivity of the mine. This is of immense importance that we should develop a better understanding of the explosive used ...
consulter en ligneOvercoming Oversize: Caprock in blasting (Part 1)
2021.6.14 By Anthony Konya June 14, 2021. Pit Quarry ’s “Overcoming Oversize” series will discuss the generation of oversize in the blasting process and techniques to reduce or eliminate oversize. Next
consulter en ligneBlasting Mechanics Revisited: The mechanics of rock breakage
2019.1.28 About this four-part series. In 1963, Pit Quarry published a series of articles on the mechanics of blasting authored by Richard Ash, a longtime professor of mining engineering at the School of Mines Metallurgy at the University of Missouri-Rolla. The content within each article was ahead of its time, putting forth cutting-edge concepts
consulter en ligneDevelopment of a new model for predicting flyrock distance in quarry ...
2016.4.1 This research was aimed at developing a new model to predict flyrock distance based on a genetic programming (GP) technique. For this purpose, six granite quarry mines in the Johor area of Malaysia were investigated, for which various controllable blasting parameters were recorded. A total of 262 datasets consisting of six variables
consulter en ligneQuarry Slope Stability Assessment Methods with Blast
2023.3.14 Slope stability is a critical aspect of geotechnical and rock excavation (Faramarzi et al. 2017).Soren et al. stated that slope stability assessment is required for mine excavation because the openings are made in a series of slopes.Slope analysis has a long history in geotechnical engineering, and it is still one of the most active areas of
consulter en lignePredicting Ground Vibrations Due to Mine Blasting Using a
2021.2.12 Blasting plays a fundamental role in rock fragmentation, and it is the first preparatory stage in the mining extraction process. However, its undesirable effects, mostly ground vibration, can cause severe damages to the surroundings, such as cracks/collapses of buildings, instability of slopes, deformation of underground space, affect underground
consulter en ligne(PDF) Quarry Evaluation and Control of Bench Blasting
2017.10.30 Abstract and Figures. Potential sites of quarries were evaluated by numerical rating techniques. There are 3 groups of implied rating factors on the rock deposits in surveyed quarry sites: the ...
consulter en lignePrediction of blast‑induced ground vibrations in quarry sites:
2019.4.1 2023, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. Show abstract. The prediction of liquefaction-induced lateral spreading/displacement (D h) ... PPV) due to quarry blasting. To this end, a Random Forest (RF) model and a Bayesian Network (BN) model were developed. Before developing these models, and in order to illustrate
consulter en ligneWhat Is Quarrying of Stones Methods of Quarrying
2023.5.31 Quarrying of Stones Equipment. The quarrying of stones refers to the process of extracting stones from natural rock formations or beds. It is an essential activity in the construction industry as stones are used for various purposes such as building materials, road aggregate, landscaping, and decorative purposes.
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