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2023.2.12 April 1, 2008. Created by an anonymous user. Imported from Scriblio MARC record . Cement-data-book by Walter H. Duda, 1977, Bauverlag, Macdonald and Evans edition, in English - 2., völlig neubearb. u.
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2015.9.1 Cement data book, Volume 3 Raw material for cement production H. Duda Bauverlaa GmbH, Wiesbaden and Berlin, 1988.2IOmm x 297mm. 188 pp. Text in English and German, illustrated, hardback. ISBN 3 762522863.DM 148.00. $9040. This book represents the third and latest component of a well respected treatise covering the
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2022.1.28 Download now. of 407. Dipl.-Ing. Walter H. Duda WALTER H. DUDA joined Fuller Company, Cetaseucus, PA in 1964 a8 an engineering specialist, and in 1068 he became @ project sales engineer. He advanced to proces sales anginear In 972 and held the position until his retirement In late 1976, CEMENT-DATA-BOOK Internationale
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2022.2.5 Walter, H Duda, Cement Data Book, Macdo naldEven, London, 1985. Jupiter Vol.3 No.1 Februari 2022 Jurnal Pengetahuan Ilmu Terapan E-IECN: 200 3-0521
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Download or read book Cement-data-book: Raw material for cement production written by Walter H. Duda and published by . This book was released on 1988 with total page 234 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle.
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2010.1.4 Cement-data-book by Walter H. Duda, 1977, Bauverlag, Macdonald and Evans edition, in English - 2., völlig neubearb. u. erw. Aufl.
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