Study of selective reduction in lateritic nickel ore: Saprolite versus ...
2021.1.1 Lateritic ore is divided into limonite and saprolite. Limonite, which has low magnesium-silicon oxide and nickel content, are usually processed by hydrometallurgy,
consulter en ligneIndirect bioleaching of low-grade nickel limonite and saprolite
2017.12.1 The highest nickel leaching efficiencies from saprolite and limonite ores were 88.9% and 84.9%, respectively, which were obtained at leaching temperature of 95
consulter en ligneStudies of carbon percentage variation and mixing Saprolite-Limonite
2022.1.1 The optimum carbon percentage of saprolite and limonite is the concerned purpose for this research. The ratio of saprolite and limonite (solid: solid) are 1:4 and
consulter en ligneOpen Access proceedings Journal of Physics: Conference
three composition of samples: limonite, saprolite, and mixed of them. The mixed samples are made by mixing saprolite with limonite with a ratio of 1: 1 (% by weight). The
consulter en ligneKinetic study in selective reduction of limonitic and saprolitic
2022.11.22 ABSTRACT. Saprolite and limonite have different behaviour in the carbothermic reduction process due to the differences in their atomic structures. This
consulter en ligneOpen Access proceedings Journal of Physics: Conference
limonite and saprolite from HPL mine is presented in Table 2 and Table 3. Mineralogy nickel laterite, the metallic elements mainly exist in the form of metallic oxides in ores: NiO,
consulter en ligneIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
2022.5.22 Tie result showed difference resistivity value in limonite layer influence by Fe, H2O and Ni, where resistivity value from saprolite layer influenced by Fe, H2O, Si02,
consulter en ligneA Study on Classification of Limonite and Saprolite from ...
Nickel laterite ore is classified into two principal ore types: saprolite (silicate ore) and limonite (oxide ore). Saprolite-type ore characterized by high magnesia and silica contents is
consulter en ligneA Study on Classification of Limonite and Saprolite from
2016.2.29 Nickel laterite ore is classified into two principal ore types: saprolite (silicate ore) and limonite (oxide ore). Saprolite-type ore characterized by high magnesia and
consulter en ligneNickel Laterites: The World’s Largest Source of
2013.6.25 The saprolite and limonite zones tend to contain the higher grades of Ni and can range from 1.5-3% and 1.2-1.7% respectively. How do they form? Many factors affect the formation of nickel laterites, including
consulter en ligneIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
2022.5.22 off) obtained by the boundary zone of limonite-saprolite and saprolite-bedrock boundary for each point of the drill. The entire drill data on the track then correlated to form a cross-section shown in Figure 2. The divisions own profile in accordance with that proposed by Waheed (2009). It was clear enough
consulter en ligneOpen Access proceedings Journal of Physics: Conference
Nickel laterite with average grain size below 0.149 mm mixed with 13% (weight percent) of coal as reductant then reduced in muffle furnace with temperature from 700 oC to 1000 oC. Type of laterite is used which has high iron (saprolite) and low iron content (limonite). Reaction time varied 30, 60 and 90 minutes.
consulter en ligneOpen Access proceedings Journal of Physics: Conference
The composition of raw material ore composition including limonite and saprolite from HPL mine is presented in Table 2 and Table 3. Mineralogy nickel laterite, the metallic elements mainly exist in the form of metallic oxides in ores: NiO, CoO, Co2O3, CaO, FeO, FeO(OH),MgO, MnO, ZnO and SiO2 [8]. Table 2.
consulter en ligneNew technology could cement Indonesia’s dominance of
2023.7.5 Macquarie Group, an Australian financial firm, thinks that by 2025 the country could supply 60% of the world’s nickel, up from around half today. Most of the world’s nickel, including that ...
consulter en ligneMinerals Free Full-Text Ni-Co Mineralization in the Intex
2020.6.27 The Intex laterite deposit in Mindoro, Philippines is derived from the weathering of the ultramafic rocks under a tropical climate. This study investigates the several types of serpentines and the effect of the degree of chemical weathering of ultramafic rocks and laterites on the enrichment of Ni in the deposit. The five types of
2021.1.1 The studied laterite profiles are divided from base to top into: (i) serpentinized bedrock, (ii) saprolite horizon, and (iii) limonite horizon. Olivine in the peridotite contains a significant ...
consulter en ligneOur Business — Nickel Asia Corporation
We define saprolite ore as nickel ore with iron content of less than 20% and limonite ore as nickel ore with iron content of 20% or higher. Product Mix. We ship out two types of saprolite ore: high-grade and mid-grade. High-grade saprolite ore has a nickel content of about 1.7% while mid-grade saprolite ore has a nickel content of between 1.3 ...
consulter en ligneSpinel ferrite transformation for enhanced upgrading nickel
2021.3.15 The mineral phases of nickeliferous laterite ore of limonite, saprolite and transition types, and as-calcined laterite samples were recorded and analyzed by X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD-Rigaku, Japan) with Cu Kα radiation (λ = 0.15406 nm) at the scanning rate of 0.02°s −1 and in the angle range varying from 10° to 80°. The morphology and ...
2020.1.13 tank limonite leach followed by secondary autoclave leach (at 150. o. C) for the saprolite, and a two-stage atmospheric tank leaching process for limonite followed by saprolite has also been developed. Stephen Grocott (SG), Clean TeQ (Australia), floor. said that apart from adding saprolite to neutralize it in-
consulter en ligneFrontiers Geochemical and Mineralogical Characteristics of
2021.11.25 The Morowali Ni-laterite deposit is located in the East Sulawesi Ophiolite, which is a large ophiolite belt on Sulawesi Island, Indonesia. The Morowali deposit is developed on a laterite profile due to ophiolite weathering, with saprolite, limonite, and ferruginous cap horizons from the bottom to top. Based on the occurrence of garnierite
consulter en ligneIndirect bioleaching of low-grade nickel limonite and saprolite
2017.12.1 The limonite and saprolite ores used in this study were obtained from Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia and were ground to obtain the grain sizes of − 250 + 177 μm, − 177 + 149 μm, and − 149 + 75 μm.ED-XRF analysis of limonite and saprolite samples determined their chemical composition as summarized in Table 1.X-ray powder
consulter en ligneMinerals Special Issue : Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Ni
2022.12.16 In particular, it has been revealed that, besides Ni, these laterite deposits usually contain other elements that are becoming more and more demanded (so-called critical metals or high-tech elements). Ni-laterite deposits are worthy targets of Co, Sc and/or platinum group elements (PGE). However, there are still a lot of unknowns regarding the ...
consulter en ligneDiscovery of Ni-smectite-rich saprolite at Loma Ortega
2017.7.4 Hydrous Mg silicate-type Ni-laterite deposits, like those in the Falcondo district, Dominican Republic, are dominated by Ni-enriched serpentine and garnierite. Recently, abundant Ni-smectite in the saprolite zone have been discovered in Loma Ortega, one of the nine Ni-laterite deposits in Falcondo. A first detailed study on these Ni
consulter en ligneStudies on Reduction Characteristics of Limonite and Effect
2020.11.19 The selective reduction process is the process to separate nickel and iron on limonite with the combination of magnetic separation. This process uses sodium sulphate as the additive and graphite as the reductant. The stoichiometry of reductant and the concentration of additive are the key for this process on the selective reduction to the
consulter en ligneRI6RXWKHDVW 4+ 2 4 6XODZHVL - IOPscience
of laterite profile underlying with the “saprolite” in the middle and the bottom part of laterite profile. The general laterite profile of Lapaopao is shown in the figure 3. Figure 3 Limonite outcrop observed with iron shoot – left [11], Profile lateritic nickel of Lapaopao– right [12] Figure 2. Local geology map of Lapaopao Area [11]
consulter en ligneLeaching of low grade limonite and nontronite ores by fungi
2006.9.1 The highest nickel leaching efficiencies from saprolite and limonite ores were 88.9% and 84.9%, respectively, which were obtained at leaching temperature of 95 °C, stirring speed of 400 rpm, ore particle size of -177 + 149 μm, and leaching time of 4 h (for saprolite) and 24 h (for limonite). Most importantly, the leaching using the ...
consulter en ligneSaprolite - an overview ScienceDirect Topics
Saprolite usually reaches down to more than 50 m in humid areas on crystalline rocks, where they form an important part of the regolith. Due to long-term weathering under stable tropical conditions, most present-day humid tropical soils developed from deeply weathered saprolites rather than from the parent rock, and their physical and chemical ...
consulter en ligneAtmospheric leach process for the recovery of nickel and
2000.10.25 A method in which the exudation of nickel iron laterite ore by wet metallurgy and atmospheric pressure at a temperature less than the boiling point of the pulp nickel and cobalt is extracted, is provided. Contains high iron laterite of limonite ore, it referred to as in contact with concentrated mineral acid to dissolve the iron and nickel. To
consulter en ligneTechnical Cost Comparison of Laterite Treatment
2020.3.27 limonite and saprolite Part 2 present. ed the results of process modellingdone to quantify reagent and utility requirements and to calculate the variable portion of the operating costs. Part 3 extends the comparison to the fixed operating and capital costsand uses simple financial modelling to compare the different processes.
consulter en ligneKinetic study in selective reduction of limonitic and saprolitic
2022.11.22 The Ginstling-Brouhnstein model was appropriate to describe the diffusion mechanism of the reduction process of limonite and saprolite. The activation energy in the reduction of limonite was lower than in saprolite. It indicated that the iron and nickel in magnesium silicate in saprolite have lower reducibility than the oxide structure in limonite.
consulter en ligneLaterite-saprolite Au - USGS Publications Warehouse
DESCRIPTION: Au disseminated in laterite and saprolite that developed under conditions of tropical weathering (fig. 32) over a wide variety of bedrock types but distal to known bedrock gold deposits. Figure 32. Idealized cross section of laterite-saprolite Au deposit. Vertical scale is in terms of meters; horizontal scale is in terms of kilometers.
consulter en ligneBegini Perbedaan dan Fungsi Nikel Kadar Tinggi
2022.6.28 Begini Perbedaan dan Fungsi Nikel Kadar Tinggi dan Kadar Rendah. JAKARTA, – Nikel kadar tinggi dan nikel kadar rendah memiliki fungsi yang berbeda. Di Indonesia, nikel kadar tinggi
consulter en ligneIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and
3.2 Dissolution Behavior of Limonite Ore The XRD patterns of some solid residues after leaching of limonite ore in nitric acid solution are provided in Figure 4. It was shown that reflection intensity with d hkl ~4.16Å decreases after leaching process. It indicated that goethite as Ni and Co bearing mineral in limonite ore partially dissolve ...
consulter en ligneMineralogical characterisation of Indonesian laterites prior to
2013.3.1 The acid, dry limonite and saprolite ores were added in the weight ratio of 1.4:1:1. At 100 °C, over 80% of the total Ni was extracted into solution during the whole leach process. The limonite ore was found to contain Ni (1.2 wt.%) predominantly within Fe oxy/hydroxides, serpentine and phyllomanganate whilst in the residue Ni (0.4 wt.%) is ...
consulter en ligneStrategies for Studying Saprolite and Saprolite Genesis
1994.1.1 Saprolite is isovolumetrically weathered bedrock that retains the structure and fabric of the parent rock. This soil parent material forms in areas where crystalline rocks occur at or near the surface of the earth. Saprolite is generally overlain by 1 to 3 m of soil and commonly > 10 m thick. Although saprolite occurs worldwide and often ...
consulter en ligneReduction roasting and bioleaching of a limonite ore
2021.3.1 The limonite ore sample under study had a particle size smaller than 75 μm and was oven dried for 24 h at 105 °C prior to tests. The limonite ore used was supplied by the company Nexa located in the city of Niquelândia in the state of Goias (Brazil). ... Indirect bioleaching of low-grade nickel limonite and saprolite ores using fungal ...
consulter en ligneInnovative methodology for comprehensive utilization of saprolite ...
2015.12.1 A new hydrometallurgical process was developed to synthesize metal-doped nickel ferrite (NiFe 2 O 4) and magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH) 2) from saprolite laterite ore. Selective extraction of Ni and Fe with a controlled Fe-to-Ni mole ratio (R Fe/Ni) from saprolite laterite ore was investigated.It is shown that the leaching efficiencies of Ni
consulter en ligneMineralogy and geochemistry of the Berong Ni-Co laterite
2020.10.1 Bedrock, saprolite, and limonite samples were impregnated with petropoxy resin. A total of 24 polished thin sections were analyzed using a transmitted and reflected light microscope. A detailed description was made on twelve thin sections. In addition, eleven polished sections containing Mn-oxy-hydroxides were prepared and examined
consulter en ligneThe Rise and Rise of Indonesian HPAL – But Can It Continue?
The addition of the HPAL processing of limonite ore in Indonesia was an obvious choice given that the lower grade limonite ore needs to be removed after any overburden material to access the higher grade saprolite ore already used for smelting into NPI and more recently nickel matte. The move to HPAL processing has also been supported by the ...
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