An efficient and low-cost solar-aided lignite drying power
, Junjie Wu Add to Mendeley doi/10.1016/ Get rights and content • An efficient and low-cost solar-aided power generation system is proposed. • Non-concentrating solar energy is efficient integrated with lignite drying. • Two-stage solar
consulter en ligneA Comparative Study on Lignite Coal Drying by Different
Canadian lignite coal (425–1000 µm) was dried at different temperatures using different methods, namely hydrothermal treatment (HT), vacuum drying and hot air drying. These
consulter en ligneRecent developments in drying and dewatering for low rank
2015.2.1 The overall efficiency of raw lignite (with a water content of 35–55%), can be enhanced by 2–3% using a pre-drying process [17]. For brown coals (typically 55–70%
consulter en ligneApplications of solar energy based drying technologies in various ...
2021.11.15 From the above studies, it is proved that solar energy is successfully used to dry lignite/coal. The coal/lignite is a huge quantity, sometimes in tonnes, compared to
consulter en ligneDrying kinetics of lignite, subbituminous coals, and high
1990.9.1 Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Lignite Particle Drying in a Fixed Bed. Energy Fuels 2011, 25 (9) , 4014-4023. doi/10.1021/ef200759t
consulter en ligneLignite Drying: New Coal-Drying Technology
2007.7.1 The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and Great River Energy are testing a new coal-drying technology that could dramatically reduce the emissions of lignite-burning power plants.
consulter en ligneA novel lignite pre-drying system with low-grade heat
2014.8.23 The lignite pre-drying process plays an important role in modern lignite power plants and the fluidized bed dryer with internal heat utilization is a promising drying
consulter en ligneFuture of lignite resources: a life cycle analysis - Springer
2016.9.23 Lignite is divided into fuel lignite (use for fuel) and raw lignite (use for drying) with a ratio of about 1:12, and the hot flue gas generated by fuel lignite is used to
consulter en ligneEconomical effect of lignite coal drying on coal-fired electric
2015. 73. PDF. If lignite coal with high moisture content is used directly for the power plants burning, it will leads to reduce of boiler thermal efficiency and power plant net efficiency,
consulter en ligneEconomical effect of lignite coal drying on coal-fired electric ...
摘要: If lignite coal with high moisture content is used directly for the power plants burning, it will leads to reduce of boiler thermal efficiency and power plant net efficiency, it is very
consulter en ligneA Critical Assessment of Industrial Coal Drying Technologies:
2011.2.28 Low-rank coals (LRCs) constitute about 45% of the total coal reserves and hence will soon be the fossil fuel of choice in many countries despite their high moisture content on mining, which varies from 30% to as high as 66%. It is important to reduce their water content to enhance the heating value and reduce transportation costs while
consulter en ligneRecent developments in drying and dewatering for low rank coals
2015.2.1 The structure of lignite is affected by fragmentation and pulverization during drying, which can reduce the safety and continuity of both drying and coal quality improvement processes. In this study, the drying characteristics of a two-dimensional (2D) lignite plate were studied, and both the shrinkage process and crack development were ...
consulter en ligneNondestructive quantification of moisture in powdered low-rank coal
A comparative study on lignite coal drying by different methods. International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization 1–17. doi:10.1080/19392699. ... Xu, C., G. Xu, Y. Fang, L. Zhou, Y. Yang, and D. Zhang. 2014. A novel lignite pre-drying system incorporating a supplementary steam cycle integrated with a lignite fired supercritical power ...
consulter en ligneLignite - an overview ScienceDirect Topics
Lignite, or brown coal, is the lowest-ranked coal, and is placed just above peat in terms of calorific value. It is not a feature of international seaborne coal trades, primarily due to its high water content (which can reach up to 60 per cent) and its lower Btu values (which average 4000–8300 Btu/lb compared with bituminous coals, which ...
consulter en ligneCoal drying study for a direct syngas fired supercritical CO
2019.9.1 Variables such as particle size, fluidizing temperature, and drying medium were examined as function of lignite coal drying in the system. Additionally, the heat input required was a key metric for the analysis herein. Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) tests were carried out to characterize the temperature and energy input required to dry coal ...
consulter en ligneA Comparative Study on Lignite Coal Drying by Different
These processes resulted in significant reduction (up to 9.65%) in moisture from as-received lignite coal (34%), especially at higher temperatures (300 and 325°C) using HT for 30 minutes. Vacuum drying (70°C) over the period of 7 hours and hot air drying (70°C) for 110 minutes liberated almost the same amount of moisture from the raw coal.
2006.1.1 @article{osti_882436, title = {USE OF COAL DRYING TO REDUCE WATER CONSUMED IN PULVERIZED COAL POWER PLANTS}, author = {Levy, Edward and Bilirgen, Harun and Levy, Ursla and Sale, John and Sarunac, Nenad}, abstractNote = {This is the twelfth Quarterly Report for this project. The background and technical
consulter en ligneStudy the effect of drying on the oxidation
2022.12.14 Coal is a type of porous medium. Water in coal is affected by the van der Waals force and the hydrogen bonds. Only a few functional groups in coal can react with oxygen at low temperatures 1,2,3,4 ...
consulter en ligneAn analysis of integration of a power plant with a lignite
2020.1.10 The implementation of a hard coal and lignite drying system is an important step in order to increase the efficiency and flexibility of future and currently running coal-fired electrical energy generation units. Three key factors affect future electricity supplies: security of supply, cost of energy (COE) and impact on the environment. ...
consulter en ligneEvaporative Drying of Low-Rank Coal IntechOpen
2016.8.31 1. Introduction. Today, the lignite is one of the cheapest energy sources [1, 2].The lignite reserves constitute about 45% of the total coal reserves and are distributed throughout the world [].The low-rank coals (LRCs) including the brown and the subbituminous coals, which are known to contain high moisture content (up to 65%, wet
consulter en ligneReport on comparison among current industrial scale lignite drying ...
2015.9.1 Lignite constitutes a major energy source and has long been used for energy production despite its contribution in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, as a fossil fuel. For example, 27.4% of Germany’s electricity originates from lignite power plants, while in Greece more than 55% of its electric energy consumption is provided by lignite. 45%
consulter en ligneHot-air drying shrinkage process of lignite and its cracking
2022.5.15 1. Introduction. Coal is a primary raw material used in industry and the energy sector [1], [2].In China, coal accounts for 70% of primary energy consumption and ≥ 67% of the domestic power supply [3].Lignite, which is characterized by abundant reserves, a low mining cost, and high chemical activity, accounts for 45% of the world’s total
consulter en ligneCoal Drying Improves Performance and Reduces
2017.9.6 Lignite and subbituminous coals from the western U.S. are attractive fuels for power plants, due their low cost and emissions. However, lignite and PRB coals typically contain high amounts of moisture and/or ash. ... coal drying equipment and impact of fuel moisture on plant performance and emissions are discussed. The improvement in boiler
consulter en ligneWhat is Lignite? - ThoughtCo
2020.1.29 A Soft Brown Coal That Provides Low-Cost Energy. Sometimes called “brown coal,” lignite is the lowest quality and most crumbly coal. This softer and geologically “younger” coal sits relatively close to the earth’s surface. Lignite can be broken down chemically through coal gasification, the process of producing syngas from coal along ...
consulter en ligneInsight into the low-temperature oxidation behavior of coal
2022.12.15 The predominant changes of lignite are reported to be the decrease of hydroxyl content owing to water evaporation after drying, and some active groups such as NH 2 – are also broken easily at coal temperature higher than 200 °C [15], [16]. Meanwhile, according to test techniques such as FTIR and XPS, absorption intensity of common
consulter en ligneExergy destruction calculation and analysis for a Coal drying
2020.7.8 The result shows that pre-drying lignite by WTA can increase the net thermal efficiency of lignite IGCC power plant by up to 4.6% points compared to traditional lignite drying technology, making ...
consulter en ligne华北电力大学吴仲华学院
2019.11.21 An improved configuration of lignite pre-drying using a supplementary steam cycle in a lignite fired supercritical power plant. Applied Energy, 2015, 160: 882–891. 2. Cheng Xu, Pu Bai, Tuantuan Xin, Yue Hu, Gang
consulter en ligneA study of chemical structure changes of Chinese lignite
2012.9.1 The effects of coal particle size, drying temperature, gas flow rate, and coal sample size on drying characteristics of Chinese lignite coal were systematically investigated using a fluidized-bed reactor. FTIR technique was employed to investigate the changes of chemical structure of coal upon drying in air and nitrogen.
consulter en ligneExperimental Study of the Volume Drying Shrinkage
2022.3.16 Low-temperature and humid drying experiments [temperatures of 20–30 °C; relative humidity (RH) of 40–60%] were conducted to investigate the drying shrinkage of lignite at low temperatures. The moisture content and volume variations of lignite during low-temperature drying were measured to analyze the change in the water content and
consulter en ligneReport on comparison among current industrial scale lignite drying ...
2015.9.1 Lignite is considered the lowest rank of coal due to its high moisture and ash content and its low carbon content. Low-rank coals (LRCs) constitute about 45% of the total global coal reserves [1].The combustion of lignite in power plants is widespread in many countries (Australia, the United States, Canada, India, Germany, Greece, Poland, Serbia,
consulter en ligneInfluence of Composition on Differential Evolution of
2024.1.4 The cracking behavior of lignite during drying–wetting cycles impacts the efficiency of coal mining, underground coal gasification, and coalbed methane development. Lignite is known to have high water content, and it exhibits strong hydrophilic properties, resulting in a weak and rigid gel structure caused by water interactions with coal matrix
consulter en ligneEconomical effect of lignite coal drying on coal-fired electric
If lignite coal with high moisture content is used directly for the power plants burning, it will leads to reduce of boiler thermal efficiency and power plant net efficiency, it is very important to study the influence of lignite coal drying to the economic of power plant. Taking a 300 MW coal fired boiler as an example, the change of burning in boiler, heat exchanger on
consulter en ligneGrade Level of Lignite Coal datas in the different areas with
2020.6.24 Thus, the coal lignite data are seperated into two groups, low and high quality. And low- and high-quality lignite coal is clustered by k-means. The calorific values between 2,200 and 5,574 kcal/kg from TLI lignite coal data have been determined as high quality. Calorific values between 868 and 2,196 kcal/kg have been determined as low
consulter en ligneStudy on integration of drying and separation for lignite by
2023.6.1 On the one hand, hot airflow drying can effectively remove the moisture content of lignite, weaken the agglomeration of lignite particles, and improve the beneficiation efficiency [23], [24], [25]; on the other hand, drying lignite by hot airflow is beneficial to the transportation of clean coal and reduces transportation costs.
consulter en ligneNon-equilibrium thermodynamics approach for the coupled
2018.3.25 The microwave drying behavior for the compressed lignite sphere (20 mm in diameter) was simulated numerically in the lignite of the proposed model at the microwave power levels of 231–700 W. The calculated values for the drying and temperature profiles of the sample fitted well the experimental ones with the average deviation of 10% and 16% ...
consulter en ligneFuture of lignite resources: a life cycle analysis - Springer
2016.9.23 Lignite is a low-quality energy source which accounts for 13 % of China’s coal reserves. It is imperative to improve the quality of lignite for large-scale utilization. To further explore and analyze the influence of various key processes on the environment and economic costs, a lignite drying and compression technology is evaluated using an
consulter en ligneStudy on combustion performance of hydrothermally dewatered lignite
2021.2.1 The drying process of lignite changes its average pore diameter; therefore, the combustion performance can be improved by adjusting the pore structure of lignite during the drying process. Furthermore, it is recommended to dry lignite at 230 °C to reduce energy loss during the drying and combustion processes and improve the utilization ...
consulter en ligneDrying, re-adsorption characteristics, and combustion kinetics
2017.12.15 Section snippets 1Material. Lignite from Xilingol coal mine Inner Mongolia was used in this study. The sample was crushed and sieved into four different size fractions (6–3, 3–1, 1–0.5 and 0.5–0 mm, respectively) in the winter, and then labeled and placed in sealed containers and stored in a refrigerator.The reasons why selecting four coal
consulter en ligne
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